Monday, December 17, 2007

Space Travel - New Mexico

Spaceport America is scheduled to open for business in mid 2010. Those anticipating the thrill of outer space travel can start preparing, as plans continue toward completing the world's first spaceport.

In December 2005, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson and Virgin Galactic's Richard Branson, announced they would partner to build the Southwestern Regional Spaceport. Virgin Galactic will locate its world headquarters and mission control in the remote sandy desert of Upham, New Mexico, near the U.S. Army’s White Sands missile base.

SpaceShipTwo and White Knight Two motherships are under development by The Spaceship Company in Mojave, California and will carry the passengers skyward before release.

The dream of taking a trip to outer space is less than 2 years away and as it approaches, we will wait and see how affordable it becomes. Tickets were projected to cost $200,000.

1 comment:

~Lauraborialice said...

Hey!! Could we be friends??